About Us

Later in April-May 2020, the Lord will give me the new name of ministryElijah Elishaduring a 40-day consecration period of fasting and prayer that He had instructed me to do. This name change will positively affect my prophetic destiny and bring about my official investiture in the prophetic ministry on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 in the state of Washington.
Our team has been practicing the work of ministry under le mentorat de notre Père Spirituel Prophet of the Nations TOM Stamman of Ministères IMPACT INTERNATIONAL since February 2018.
“The hands of Zerubbabel founded this work of God, and his hands will complete it; and you will know that the Lord of Hosts has sent me to you; for those who despised the day of the small beginnings will rejoice when they see the level stone in Zerubbabel's hand……( Zechariah 4:9-14). Born in 2016 as a result of a revelation from our Lord Jesus Les Oliviers Ministriès primarily consisted of a group of Christian friends thirsty for the word of God. Indeed, our Lord Jesus in a prophetic dream had asked us to set up in the metropolis of Seattle in the USA a group of Witnesses of Jehovah that we would call “Les Oliviers Du Seigneur” ; For the need was felt to bring His people to a life of deep prayer, and to teach them the written and revealed Word to bring them to a true knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The name of the ministry also derives from the interchangeable names of "Olive" and "Prophet" which the Lord has always designated me since 2013 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast when He revealed Himself to me for the first time concerning the future ministry that I would exercise in the United States of America

Oliviers Ministries
Our prophetic ministry’s mission is to deliver lost souls from the grip of the forces of darkness and bring them to the Light of Christ, to reconcile the Fathers with the Sons and to take up the challenge of an authentic Prophetic life based on the Word of God, accompanied by signs, wonders and miracles; The Spirit of Elijah has not disappeared.
Oliviers Ministries
Our ministry presents itself as a group of Servants and Disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wrapped in the form of a community according to Acts chapter 2.
Our ministry aims to contribute to the formation and education of believers. It presents itself as a community of Christian Leaders invested with the power of God.
We are community men and women ready to transform lives through pour prayer lives, life testimonies, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, sharing and fellowship. To make known the person of Jesus Christ to establish a true covenant with God is the center of our call.

The modes of operation of our community are Evangelism, preaching, meditation of the word of God and prophetic intercession. Establishing a community of priests, prophets, and kings according to Revelation 1:6 and 1 Kings 19:15-16 to extend God's kingdom on earth is our priority, I mean OUR VISION.
Welcome in our community!